Upper row from left to right: M.Sc. Alban Piotrowsky, Dr. Luigi Marongiu, Prof. Sascha Venturelli, Dr. Günther Adler, Dipl.-Biochem Christian Leischner.
Lower row from left to right: Dr. Markus Burkard, Kathin Schneider, Dr. Olga Renner, Nilza Andrade-Binder, Monika Schumacher.


Adler, Günther Dr. Dr.


Andrade-Binder, Nilza

Secretary / Administration

Bonsignore, Letizia

Master Student

Burkard, Markus Dr.

Postdoc / Laboratory Supervisor

Helling, Thomas Dr. Dr.


Leischner, Christian MBA Biochemistry

Laboratory Manager

Marongiu, Luigi Dr.

Postdoc / Representative for Data Storage, Bioinformatics and Statistical Analyses

Piotrowsky, Alban

Doctoral Candidate

Schmieder, Hendrik

Doctoral Candidate

Schumacher, Monika

Technical Assistant

Venturelli, Sascha Prof. Dr. Dr.
